24 November 2011

AH Member Writings : Rosie Meditation Visions 59 - 61, November 2011

Meditation Visions 59 - 61, November 2011By Rosie
Nov 23, 2011 - 4:30:15 AM
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Meditation Visions 59 - 61, November 2011




Meditation Report 59


In meditative mode I went back into the past. I saw myself realising for the first time that our earth is a sentient being, with feelings of love and fear like my own. I buried my head in my hands, for her pain was my pain – the holes bored into her skin, the poison poured into her veins, the toxic air she breathed, the dangerous waste she was forced to process, the sores festering on her surface, the destruction caused by blasts in her innards, the excavation of her treasures, the rupturing of her organs.

Then I saw a vision for our earth; I was walking on her green ferns, her lush undergrowth, and the cells on the soles of my feet were singing a song which vibrated the ground beneath. Each step was a prayer, a gift given and received, a duet between the surfaces which met and the breath which mingled. My hand embraced a branch to become one: cells greeted one another, exchanging and transforming as a result of the encounter.

My face touched the face of the earth in mutual caress, each cell whispering love and receiving love’s whispers. My breath met her breath – the wind – to sing exquisite harmonies. Earth’s coloured petals delighted my senses, and I delighted the earth with my light floating movements, every touch a kiss and a blessing. I ran endlessly over grass which rose eagerly to meet me. The ground was free to breathe through every pore, soaking up all light and gratitude and admiration and adoration, inspiring her to produce abundance for herself and for grateful givers who grant her peace, grace, quietness, rest and repose.

May we all be blessed with a divine relationship to our Mother Earth who serves and supports us until her strength is spent, until her resources are exploited, until her desire to ascend towards her Creator takes precedence over her children. May her sacrifices and long wait be honoured.

Meditation Report 60, 7th November 2011


Following the meditation directive to bring love and energy to the earth’s surface, I was given to understand that this also meant BRINGING OURSELVES TO THE SURFACE and OUT INTO THE OPEN, realising past limitations and future potential. This was indicated by the following scene.

I saw myself as a small person walking down a very long dark and cramped underground tunnel with a hammer and a lantern in my hands. I knocked on the walls with the hammer at regular intervals to orientate myself and to see whether the walls sounded solid or hollow. I also looked for a pointer – a possible way out. All the time, something was spuring me on in my search – an imprint of a circle of light on my retina, as if I had looked at something very bright for too long. The image remained with me, though I had no definite memory of the orignal.

Eventually I reached the end of the tunnel and climbed up to the surface of the earth. I was greeted by huge people with transparent skin. The light of day nearly blinded me. The people treated me graciously, and I was struck by their wisdom and grace. It was only then that I realised my own awkward movements and stunted growth. When I was able to look into the sky, I saw the sun and realised that this was the origin of the image on my retina which had inspired me to keep going for so long during my period of darkness. The longer I spent above ground, the more I grew and lost my former features, interacting with the large people, and in the end I was one of them, having undergone complete transformation, having grown in mind and body.

Together we pulled a sort of transparent skin just above the surface of the planet, and another layer was positioned below so that the crust lay isolated in a sort of buffer zone where it was simultaneously protected and contained, meaning that this buffer belt assisted equalisation processes, spreading and dispersing large waves of energy so that they did not get stuck in just one place. Pressure in the form of lava from the core was also distributed more evenly, and pressure from spaceships pushing down on the buffer zone helped to contain and diffuse heavy movements of the crust. Our earth was very nervous, but happy to receive this assistance.

Meditation Report 61, 10th November 2011


Groups of people in long, old-fashioned cloaks and dresses were walking calmly together in pairs or in families in a park. However, although everything was tranquil on the surface, appearances were deceiving. I was one of those strolling ladies, outwardly composed and inwardly agitated. I wanted to know more clearly how to help the earth in her transformation – how to bring energy to her surface and just below, as directed. Just walking around, trying to energise the soil through my feet, did not seem to be working.

In the course of walking, I came upon a large pond where flying fish kept popping up for air. I thought that some action could be taken by the fish, and I asked them to send energy to the earth vie water in the oceans, but the fish did not really understand what I was talking about. They swam around rather hopelessly and helplessly, not able to go beyond the boundaries of the pond, and they were astonished that anyone should ask them to do so.

It was then that I realised that I MYSELF had to take a stand and become more active. Still wearing my long robes, I stood with my arms stretched up to the sky, and celestial beings took hold of my hands and drew me up towards a cloud-like mass. There I lay on my stomach together with many others, blowing the golden wind of change through my mouth. It landed on the vegetation below like a golden shroud. It was so fine that it was able to penetrate the soil and descend a short distance. All the land was covered in this way.

When the fish saw the golden shroud lying around their pond, they realised that this was part of what I had asked them to do previously. Their mental recognition and their desire to assist was so powerful that the ground split, suddenly creating a new river which led from the pond to the sea. The fish then swam to the oceans to spread their own version of the golden shroud – a plethora of golden bubbles emitting from their mouths.

These scenes brought me to understand that it is necessary to GO INTO ACTION, CREATING AN INSPIRING PRECEDENT as opposed to urging others to do something they cannot understand. Through our own example and leadership, others will automatically follow.

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