06 February 2012

Star Systems and Preferences

Star Systems and Preferences

Star Systems and PreferencesAfter studying theology and religion, I find it hard to believe that we all came from Noah and his family, especially when you take into consideration all of the different blood types and ethnicities of people, along with the impossible task of rounding up animals from all over the world to put on an ark (e.g. penguins, sea lions, polar bears, etc...). My conclusion is that we were seeded here from different star systems (along with animals from those places), which would explain the genetic diversity and different blood types of people.

In this frame of thought, is it possible that we are attracted to those from our own star systems? It seems people have certain preferences in what they look for in others, such as intelligence, humor, body frames, musical preferences, pet preferences, preferable climates, spirituality preferences, etc, that resonate with one another.

Sometimes, I'll find myself looking at a star in the sky for no reason. It might not be the brightest star (and I know what you're thinking...LOL) but there's an attraction...almost a feeling of being compelled to look at it. It makes me wonder...

Or have we simply known the people in our lives from previous lives?

Or both?
I am not sure which specific planet I came from but some of the closest people in my life seem like they are from this planet as well. There's that "click" that goes on when I'm with them. You could be away from these people for a long time and see them many years later as if no time elapsed at all. It's as if time becomes meaningless because you've known these people in many other lifetimes, so a few years seems like a few seconds in the face of eternity.

Any idea where you're from?

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