24 June 2012

Esu Speaks Publicly on Coming Changes

Esu Speaks Publicly on Coming Changes
By Jess Anthony
Jun 22, 2012 - 11:55:41 PM

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Esu, you said you have words. I am ready to receive your comments.
Jess, let's speak. This is a period of change unlike any the world has witnessed before. The universe itself is adapting to a new vibrational frequency of energy that brings with it many revelations of insight into the truth of the Creator's plan. The so-called Wave of photons is truth and love in an ocean of illumination. This will change Earth beyond any imaginings, and those who continue with her ascension will become creatures of the light just as the planet will.
This period of light must be preceded by the dark. This is the prophesied and foretold "three days of darkness" that religions and New Age gurus have feared and anticipated. Religions of the world dread this darkness because they know the return of the light will bring the truth. Their rituals and controlling precepts will be shown as meaningless. Those New Age believers who look for transcendence will be shown the reality of what ascension really means. True illumination and salvation means taking responsibility individually and working to be compassionate to everyone.
The period of darkness will be brought on by galactic forces. Natural causes can't produce the pause in existence necessary for changes to be imposed from a higher dimension. This darkness will be accompanied by a worldwide loss of electricity. Anything that runs on electrical current will not function. Batteries will work until they are used up. Candles will burn until they are not in stock. Water will be turned off unless the pumps don't require electricity to operate. Man will be forced to re-think his mode of existence for this period of three days.
Many will panic and revolt. It will be surprising how quickly man's civilized veneer becomes selfish and predatory. Banks will not operate and financial systems will not be able to transfer fiat digits. Social unrest will develop due to a loss of restriction and control. Martial law will be suggested. The political process will be in shambles. Food delivery and service will be minimal. Transportation will be limited. Chaos will develop quickly.
My followers and those who will be able to guide others will be tasked with explaining and coordinating events when they can. They are responsible for themselves above all, and they must reach out only as much as they are able without harm to themselves. The time for a greater re-education and transformation will come later.
Three days may not seem much, but the removal of electrical energy will bring everything to a halt. The darkening of the sun will prevent normal activities. The loss of sunlight will cause temperatures to drop. Prepare for sustaining your existence with alternative resources.
As the traditional Summer Solstice has occurred according to your calendar, the peak energy from the sun will wane and the Earth will move into a time of darkness when its inhabitants are seemingly cut off from the universe.  The universe is watching man's reactions and taking note. Good can come from bad. Compassion can replace selfish behavior. Assistance and help can throw a lifeline.
Be ready and prepared. Examine your beliefs and convictions.


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